New Earth Television

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

New Earth International Presents: Heart Talks

Determined Woman "Upclose and Personal" with Gail Kriegel

New Earth International Radio Show Schedule

Playlist for New Earth International Radio

9 to 2 pm Central Time
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: AIRPLay
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: HeartTalks

10:30 to Midnight Central Time
7 days a week: Kat Kanavos Show
Lori Boyle Show
Wellness Woman
Southern Muse

"Indi" Music streams at all other hours as we are a 24 hour 7 days a week Cloud and Live Broadcasting Station.

The station can be heard on all the individual Show Websites, New Earth International, Rachel Love Radio, Skywatcher/Awakened Radio,
Starchild Alliance & Woman's Radio Today. And a dedicated server on New Earth's Sam Cloud.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Time Shifting

I have shared before the feeling of time.. seeming to fleet back and forth from old memories to current situations.. been around long enough now to see the same movies redone over four times.. same music mixed into new music.. some fashion trends repeated. thankful not all of them.. eighties music is cool.. but aside washed jeans.. please..
I have gotten the point. Forgive me.. anyway.. time fleeting.. feeling of repetition and time moving quickly.. both backwards and forwards.. Dreams and virtual realities add to the feelings.. my youth sometimes rears her ugly head and reminds me where i came from.. 
Today i received from my father.. my moms divorce papers, her death certificates. along with family pics and paperwork from various marriages, divorces and death.. tears and regrets filled my heart at first.. 
Reading the paperwork took me back to a different time in life.. A time where you checked Legitimate or Not on a birth certificate. A place where you were married and had children at 16 or younger... A place where my past sprang from.. Secrets keep secret for decades.. Now all unfolding.. as I look at the old yellowed certificates..
Grateful for the life i was given.. Grateful for the lives lost along the way.. Grateful that all this has happened and brought me to this point in my life. Hopefully there is something that can be learned from all of it. Besides that repeating it over and over again probably isn't a good idea. 
The older I have become the more aware of the repeats I am witnessing.. Perhaps it is the natural cycle of life.. a circle.. But perhaps it is more related to how painful remembering our past mistakes are. That we ignore the lessons learned and repeat the process of learning it over again.

Sleeping With Destiny

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Sandman Dreams

My eyes still covered from Mr Sandman's dust.. Damn I hope it was just sand.. anyway.. awake.. almost completely.. last night's dream still singing in my head.. I am still daydreaming dreaming of Felix the Cat.. I know I have issues.. 
I have the Felix the Cat and Mary Poppins and the Whole Band from the Partridge Family roaming about in my morning thoughts.. All visitors from Christmas Past..
First and last was Felix.. He came with his Bag of Magic Tricks.. Then Mary Poppins dropped in with her big Black Bag of Supplies.. and somewhere during the night the Hippy Bus with the Partridges arrived at the front door.. and then set up and played. "Baby i Love You"
So what does this mean you might ask. Or most of you know better than to bother asking. As I will of course expound on my own interpretations without being asked. And your right. I will explain.
Or at least give you my own interpretations which you should take with a grain of sand.. Damn Sandman! I think it means we all come to this planet with our own supplies of Gifts and Talents. Some work alone and some work together like a band or family to accomplish something. Maybe like the Partridge family they travel to places to share their gifts. Or like Mary poppins she has a family in mind for her work. 
Or like Felix the Cat.. Actually I think Felix was more related to what I ate for dinner.. but even the Felix had his Bag of Magic to rely on as he did the things he did. 
Anyway I am awake and ready to make my first cup of coffee.. Awake in this world..

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Dreams and Virtual Realities

Waking earlier and earlier lately.. Dreams that make little sense.. Not scary dreams.. Not anything worrisome.. They are typical in so many ways.. Finding myself back in school.. Or the old job.. Apparently feeling I still need to finish something.. Dreams of things crumbling.. Even green sneakers.. 
So why do I share such things?... I've asked that of myself more lately also.. Somehow.. With the years of social media exposure I've become to consider this place as just another place where we gather to share with friends.. Like tea with girlfriends... 
Perhaps I should worry about dreams and the virtual reality that has become so much the reality of my life.. 
But I'm not concerned. Actually I have found that these other realities have become very helpful in my life.. Imagination was critical in childhood. Critical when trying to find ways to provide a living... 
Remember the old adage of "Let me sleep on it".. Dreams somehow help figure things out when decisions are tough.. Social media has allowed me to experience people from the far reaches of the Globe.. Conversations and experiences that wouldn't have been possible twenty years past. 
Sure traveling and being in the presence of friends and the reality of nature is very much a priority in my life. The real world is where I live and thrive. I'm just finding more and more how much the virtual life and the dream life are becoming part of my world..
Some of my friends are astral travelers and operate on multiple plains of existence.. Many of the shows I produce have hosts and guests with experience with the after life and or cosmic knowledge..
Some of the shows I produce will allow you to listen to a play created by playwrights and actors from different parts of the world.. All coming together via the net to create a play or experience that will entertain and take your mind to a created reality..
So as I think about my sleep patterns that have changed. I think about how almost everyone is now online.. Staring at little blue screens.. While waiting for appointments.. He'll just standing on sidewalks.. Laying in beds.. In vacations.. Everyone..all connected to the virtual realities..
I can see how much my world has changed.. From waking up as a newborn in a military hospital to a quaint cottage in Minnesota.. To the reality that our world is not just a physical world anymore.. 
I am not saying this is a bad thing or a good thing. Just like my dreams.. They are sometimes confusing.. Sometimes very helpful in figuring complicated things out. 
My question girlfriend.. Do you see this happening in your life also? Or am I still just dreaming?

Friday, February 12, 2016

New Earth International Presents Valentine Week Prediction

Valentine and the Afterglow Week Love Forecast by Rachel Love

Valentine and the Afterglow Week Love Forecast by Rachel Love

Aires: Very good time for considering a commitment to a relationship. The stars give a good reading for at least seven days of good communication and intimacy. Still seeing a possible exotic nature to your love potentials. Possible from a distant lover or hell it could be someone who like to dress kinky?  Anyway a great Valentine should be possible.

Taurus:  A good week is predicted for you. I see the Moon traveling through your sign and then Mercury is positioned just right. So all looks great for romance. Music seems to be highlighted also. Possible love between a rock star you ask? Just kidding but still a possibility for some of you. But certainly some romantic music would fit well in your plans this week. Also strong indication that food will be extra scrumptious this week. Chocolate and strawberries and perhaps some cream? Diet be damned just keep up with the exercising and you will be fine.

Gemini: Not a bad prediction for you also this week. I do see someone perhaps from the very beginning of the year coming back into your love space. I also see someone older being involved in your romantic life. There are some hints that perhaps an older relationship might need extra help or you might allow it to die on the vine.  Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces will be probably asking for some kind of commitment if your in a relationship with one of their signs. It's not really clear if your love for an older person is someone you already know. But there certainly is an age element in your week.

Cancer:  Things should begin to turn around by Valentine’s Day. I see someone far away asking for your help again. And perhaps taking that trip away from you home base wouldn't be such a bad idea. Certainly could provide a larger view of where your life is headed. But as far as romance itself, adding wine, song and sweets would help make it a better. I do see a little tiredness in your week. Maybe the extra sugar and wine might help revive you. The tired thing is just a short lived issue anyway I don't see it lasting long.

Leo: Saturn is now passing through Sagittarius and pleasure is the name of the game for your week. Lots of pleasurable things should be a priority. A perfect excuse is in the stars for you to indulge in a spa day, lovely hot baths and plenty of chocolates to add to the mix. Of course making love should be a part of the pleasure experience. So you have a very good excuse to ask for what you want and or need this week. 

Virgo:  Your stars and planets are all lined up to make Valentine an extra special event. Wine, Roses and Love should be included in your plans. Mercury is going to be adding to the week with her calling for a redo perhaps with  a damaged relationship. Or she could be pointing to a make up session that you missed out on due to being hurt somehow.  What ever that means to you, the reading is saying, a great week of romance is in your chart.

Libra: Same as so many of us there appears to be a focus towards the very first  week of January when it comes to relationships. That being said I also see the Sun is presently passing through the sign of Aquarius. So pleasure is the name of that game. Mercury will still want to play games with your love life So there could be a distraction or two this week. Same time there appears to be another great opportunity towards the end of the week. So perhaps the week offers you two great days to celebrate love.

Scorpio: Mercury returning to the base of your chart this week presents a somewhat difficult week in the love making department. I see a good possibility that your common sense and your heart could be at odds when it comes to a lover. And of course like the other signs the point seems to be coming from the beginning of this year. I do see later in the week that your emotions will probably win out and you will be enjoying some real good feeling in the love department. Commons sense will probably be out the window.

Sagittarius: Seems the signs are that you will be feeling the need to set things straight and will be desiring to work out some difficult things when it comes to romance and commitments. This could make the Valentine’s Day a bit more dramatic than you would have hoped for. But the desire to get things together will be strong and fighting your self in this will just cause more emotions. I am seeing that by Friday the Sun moves into Pisces at the base of your chart bringing with that a very good chance for closure and a peaceful heart. 

Capricorn: Mercury arriving in Aquarius on Valentine’s Day signals a desire for commitment and no more game playing.  Add later int he week Venus leaving your sign and into Aquarius you have a week where relationships and even serious commitments are a strong possibility. I see you taking charge this week and asking and receiving what you want and expect out of a relationship or relationships.

Aquarius:  We have you concentrating on something that happened the first of the year. We have the planets suggesting that you're going be focusing on solid relationship foundation. Wanting a strong commitment and no longer comfortable with the casual relationships or short term solution types. The same time I can see you looking way back at a former lover or good friend and feeling a desire to renew that relationship.  By end week we see Sun moving out of your sign in Pisces and then a boost should be expected for your love life and social life. 

Pisces: Mercury returns to the point once again that it was in the first week of January. So the focus for you like most of us is that first week of January.  But for  your sign Saturn moving will probably cause you to feel trapped and stuck in your relationship or relationships. Everyone will be expecting you to preform in a certain way and the signs are certainly pointing to the fact that this will not be very comfortable for you. It does get better by end of the week. With a strong possibility that things will feel normal again and your love juices will be set to flow smoothly..  Now where did that sentence come from? 

AIRPlay Celebrates Women's Month this March with Focus on Women Playwrights and Strong Female Characters

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Heart Talks After Show: Dream Interpertations

Heart Talks Facebook Version with Guest Sheena - Gaye Rogasch

Heart Talks Live with Guest Sheena-Gaye Rogasch

Heart Talks Live with Guest Sheena - Gaye Rogasch

Posted by Starchild Alliance on Tuesday, February 9, 2016

New Earth International Presents: Heart Talks

Live Heart Talks catch the Show on any of the pages listed here.

Going Live with Heart Talks on the Hour
Youtube Page:


Sunday, February 7, 2016

New Earth International Presents Rachel Love's Love Predictions Feb 7

Weekly Love Horoscope beginning Feb 7 2016 by Rachel Love

Weekly Love Horoscope beginning Feb 7 2016 by Rachel Love

Aires: Romance is in the stars this week. You could easily reignite and old flame or stroke the passion to a point of total consumption. This will be a time of possibilities with repairing and discovering new passions. Careful that you are not lusting after someone dangerous as there is a risk the lust could overtake your common sense. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces could have the large match you're seeking for lighting your fire.

Taurus: Venus aligns with Pluto highlighting romance from afar. Long distance relationships and fantasy of distant lands should be on your heart this week. Being homesick and wanting to escape the everyday could lead to hurt feeling of a lover or a close friend.  Can imagine the Skype Line heating up with the long distance lust being fueled by Venus.

Gemini: There has been a stalemate with a certain two planets in your sign that have finally moved on. And now with Venus aspecting them the feelings will be about moving on. Ending relationships and wanting and needing more space for you to follow your heart. This of course can be pretty rough on shaky relationships. As any stale relationships will probably not last this week. Spring Cleaning perhaps but certainly your health will be improved if you break free of the boredom. 

Cancer:  Venus continues to line up with Pluto every year for another eight years. Not a new thing as they have been doing this for at least five years now. So what does this mean for your love life. Actually you will be very familiar with this trend. You will once again be temped to try to rekindle and old flame or recreate the exact scenario you have been rebuilding for a long time now. Memory is a wonderful thing, sometimes. It remembers the good times more than the bad times.  So you will be looking fondly back at the past to find love again.  Especially someone born under the sign of Aires as they will be a strong  temptation.  Here is a thought, you could find someone a little less distant, like a friend of a friend you meet last year.

Leo:  Pluto is causing passions to rise. This rising could be a great thing when it comes to lovemaking. And the stars are predicting that due to one star in particular, could be causing some new excitement in the bedroom. But she could also bring you unexpected results. So at least use emotional protection as there could be some drama surface also.

Virgo: Almost like all the good and all the cautions I have been sharing with the signs before you will be in your week. You have passion rising. You have some drama pretty much guaranteed to show up and you have a good chance of looking backwards and finding some pleasure with a past lover. The moon transits your opposite sign mid week and that points to a person being very enamored with you. And your passions will be on high heat so there could be some wildfires breaking out in your bedroom. Note, watch out for unattended candles.

Libra: Your fortune cookie says, Great lovers possible. Seems with the New Moon not only brings celebration to many around the world but it brings a very good chance that you will find or reignite some real crazy passion in your life. I am seeing crazy passion and I am getting the feeling you will be looking at the more wild side of the forest for your potential  lover. I am seeing the desire is to live life fully is taking center stage in your thoughts and heart. And I see that you are wanting to remove things and people who are holding you down. 

Scorpio: I am seeing the planets predicting your desire for some much deeper spiritual and love satisfaction. A burning desire to get more out of life and not wanting to settle for the traditional honey I am tired line. You can blame the New Moon, The New Year and hell even Spring Fever if you like. But the desire for more life and wanting a deeper relationship will be pushing you towards getting what you wish. Rubbing a magic lamp or opening up a new credit card can help you get the things you desire. I only caution you to make sure your potential lover is trustworthy and committed to the same things as you are. 

Sagittarius: Your desire will probably be influenced by the stars to seek commitment and creating a secure foundation or buying a home together. Yes, looks like Venus is pushing your thoughts and desire for a deeper commitment and asking for some security to be attached. Now if you're not involved with someone special this week be cautious your desires don’t cause you to try to build a house with someone who is not free of other commitments. Seems that the scoundrels who take advantage of the love hungry are getting geared up to find victims to their games this week also.

Capricorn:  Waves are predicted for your Love Boat as you will find yourself being pulled from distant memories to possibilities of a future love. Your heart knows what she wants but  the waves are making it harder to find the safe port you are aiming for. I do see in the stars  that you are on someones radar and all you have to do is say the word and a sailor is ready to board your ship. 

Aquarius: The Stars, Planets, New Moon all are lining up and then the Sun at apparent right angle with Mars all saying to you, time to do some preparing. It looks like even the most unpretentious things can become major activities for your future. A soft touch of your shoulder can turn into a hot and steamy affair or a wink of an eye become the same eyes you wake up to in the morning.  I am seeing it best to be prepared and keep your eyes open. Pretty easy to find yourself missing your undergarments and a shoe or two this week. But if your hoping to find the perfect partner best to keep your distance from anyone who could easily tempt you. I see a greater potential for lasting love closer to Valentine's Day. 

Pisces: I am seeing instead of the low ebb that you expect to be in your week as common this time of the year. ButI will tell you that  instead this year is much different. Sure the heightened emotional feelings are here but this time they are much higher in the lust and romance section of the chart. Yes, and I can see your wanting to repair past relationships and even considering reaching out and sending a note or an unexpected encounter. Same time I see mid week a good possibility that you will be wanting to make a commitment with someone new. Perhaps two different extremes but one common thread, lust and desires building in your heart and wanting a release.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Heart Talks (Facebook Video Version) Brian the Healer

Heart Talks; Guest Brian the Healer

Heart Talks with Sheila SiStar has as her guest Brian the Healer. He shares his gift and does a distant healing live on the air. find out more about Brian here:

Posted by Starchild Alliance on Thursday, February 4, 2016

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Podcast of my Weekly Horoscope Love Prediction week starting Jan 31st

Love Horoscope Predictions for Week beginning Jan 31st Facebook Video

Love Horoscope Week Beginning Jan 31,2016

Rachel Love brings her weekly Love Horoscope Predictions. Looks like damage after the Retrograde Storm is on the schedule for most of us. Some will enjoy new opportunities and Some will find exciting possibilities due in large part to the new position they find themselves in after the storm..

Posted by Medium Rachel Love on Sunday, January 31, 2016

New Earth International Presents Weekly Love Horoscope