Aries: Best to be careful what you say this week. With Mercury affecting your body in such a way that you could easily upset the applecart. Especially people born under the Gemini and
Virgo signs will be vulnerable to what you say and do. That being said you will probably just be feeling great and full of energy. Not a bad feeling in itself. Relationships can be difficult this week and if you want an existing one to stay moving forward just bite your tongue more than you would normally do. Better to listen to their issues than offer help in fixing them.
Taurus: I am seeing the ending effects of Retrograde in you prediction. This could be causing you to have some second thoughts or doubts about your relationship. There could also still be a lot of house cleaning or getting things in order for your future plans. All this stress and doubts might actually be causing you to return your thoughts backwards to an earlier time in your life. I cant blame you for that. All I can say is the best advise is to continue to get your things in order and soon it will all make sense.
Gemini: See you are at a place of wishful thinking. Thinking that perhaps a move to a new place would be a great idea. A place where you are at peace and not accepting the same old thing every day. As it seems you have been feeling restless. In fact I can see some raw emotions raising up this week. Basic primal emotions that can force change or scare small children and animals. The desire to find someone is strong in your heart this week. You might even find yourself attracted to someone completely different from your normal choices.
Cancer: Full Moon will have your emotions up to the full force setting. This of course is to be expected being where you are fully aware of your surroundings. I am seeing romance but not a close to home type romance. I see you thinking far away places and perhaps making plans for a move in the future. Now we all know that this is not a new idea in any stretch of the imagination. I am just saying all this is being directed by the moon and the ending of Retrograde. So perhaps before proposing or accepting a commitment especially from a internet or distant lover you give yourself another week.
Leo: Starting with the full moon and then Venus changing signs there seems to be a time of taking pause. A time of reflection of stopping and evaluating things.There might even be someone special that you meet the first week in January that has become somewhat irritating or bothersome that you might find yourself thinking about. Accept this as a week of contemplation. Before moving on give yourself this week to make important decisions.
Virgo: Well I can see you handling multiple relationships this week with ease. No, I am not saying that it is a good idea to add a couple layers to your love cake I am just saying the signs are there that you could be doing or thinking of multiple lovers. I am not anyone who would judge either way I am just reading the charts here girlfriend. Retrograde influence will not be much of a factor after this Tuesday. So just use caution with communication tools. I do see Mercury aligning with Pluto next Saturday. By then you should have a pretty good understanding of where you stand in any relationships.
Libra: Full Moon energy and I can imagine your emotions are running on full caffeine strength. So much so that some close friends have been keeping a bit of a distance. That is probably a good idea for everyone. Take some time to work on the basics or the foundation of your plan. Hell you might even tackle that spring cleaning or remodeling project you have been thinking about. Put that energy to useful use. Love making will be a tad more risky this week but again it never hurts to make passionate love. Just watch out that you don't burn down the house in the ruckus.
Scorpio: Full Moon and then Mercury reaches her station and I can see you questioning your decisions. Maybe even having a change of heart about someone. I can see your conflict in wanting to stick to your guns and that being loyal is important to you. But then the signs are there that you might want to look closer and see if there isn't any kind of magic or manipulation on the others part that gave you the illusion of truth.
Sagittarius: The signs all point to this, that you are about at the end of your rope waiting for someone to follow through and do what they promised. You are probably feeling that time is ticking and you would love to get this settled so you can move on with your life. The signs are also showing that in relationships that time probably should be given for everyone involved to deal with their past history so they can make the move forward. Relationships are not always built in a timely manner.
Capricorn: Seeing drama and concerns over money and commitments this week. This all getting stronger by Tuesday. So with that feeling there will be a strong urge to get everything settled and the ink dry on the paperwork. But I am seeing that things should wait until Thursday as the moon drives at the apex of your chart. Allowing you to feel more comfortable in talking about the more intimate concerns of the relationship. Because there seems to be a suggestion that the real issue is more of a secretive intimate nature. Use caution around this with people born under the signs Aries, Cancer and Libra. As there is a chance they could really rock your ship off course emotionally.
Aquarius: Full Moon in your opposite sign and the Retrograde coming to the end of her travels tells me there could be someone close who will cause some emotional distress this week for you. A strong possibility that you are feeling a little unsettled and floating as it is anyway and this will not be helpful. I see perhaps someone is asking you to move or make a greater sacrifice for their benefit and this is not something you can easily contemplate much less do. As you would prefer some solid foundation and a sense of security. Best suggestion is that you try to keep communications open and with Retrograde ending soon you could work these misunderstanding out. Caution is in order and I am afraid this might not get worked out in just a week.
Pisces: Mercury coming into her station Tuesday and soon Jupiter and Neptune making aspect with the Sun and all this will probably translate into big waves on the romantic front. Your love boat will be floating high with the way the currents are aligning. There is an aspect that perhaps there will be some secretive aspects to these jaunts. With you or them wanting to keep this romance under wraps or under someone else name on the ship register. But with sure promises of ending up in port for the duration you would be willing to trust they know where they are going. I am seeing that former lovers or those partners connected but still on the shore line will not be as thrilled as you are about the ships activities.
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