New Earth Television

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Weekly Love Forecast Oct 26 2015

Weekly Love Forecast Oct 26 2015 by Rachel Love

Aires: New ideas and fresh beginnings are in your stars this week. Might find a few challenges to your new ideas. Mostly from someone outside your normal group of friends.  Listen to what they say and modify slightly if you like but stick to your original ideas as they will prove fruitful.

Taurus:  Relationships could be challenged this week. With the full moon in your sign you will undoubtedly feel like you should be finishing up something and beginning anew. Someone close to you might believe your ill prepared or naive in your ideas. Never mind them follow your heart. 

Gemini:  Sorry some people will not be as willing or able to keep up with you this week. Many will seem to have lost the big picture and get bogged down in the details. You on the other hand can see very clearly what needs to be done. Problem with communicating that message could cause some anxiety within your heart.  Rest assured it’s only a communication issue and should resolve itself. 

Cancer:  Full moon this week would undoubtably cause you some stress. With the strong aspects between Jupiter and Uranus you should be prepared to feel the effects at least until he weekend. Hold onto your beliefs and try to balance the home life and your passion. Even with the effects of this week coming to bear on your soul, you will survive and thrive as always.

Leo: Your next week should be a little topsy turvy due to the full moon affecting your solar chart. Heck it might just be some good old fashioned excitement. But there seems to be a money aspect to this so watch your spending. Also for goddess sake, do not invest in anything overseas.  That includes all short term and guaranteed to success moneymaking propositions.  Side note, I almost forgot to mention, energy work will be extra powerful his week.

Virgo: Looking good and everything is coming up roses for you this week. Especially Tuesday, you should be golden.  Perhaps this is a good week to get others involved with you in a project or idea. Thursday you peak at the golden level so get busy with your ideas.

Libra: Friends and lovers will be pushing you to give more this week. I can almost see the pleading by someone special asking for a special treat. Anyway it seems that your best bet is to watch what others are saying and take notes.  Taurus and Pisces people will be pushing harder than most. So all I can say is remember what is said and done this week as this could help you in the future. 

Scorpio: Full moon coming into your opposite sign will give you an edge on gathering facts. Figuring out exactly what is going on around you. So come Tuesday I wouldn't be a bit surprised that some elusive understanding will finally make sense to you. This extra strong ability of understanding will serve you well in getting to the heart of what is happening in your world.

Sagittarius: You are in charge and ready for the week. I am seeing and hearing that someone or a couple somebodies are needing your support and wisdom this week. And there could be a need for you to keep that information back for the time being. Hold onto the juicy stuff and save it for another time, if you will. Looks like entertainment or something special is coming to you by the weekend. Something fun and a nice break from the duties of late.

Capricorn: Best to keep your nose to the grind this week. What I am saying is that the full moon will be shining a light on your need to regain lost ground.  This is your chance to make up for all the changes that people have been throwing at you of late. You will of course shine in the challenge and perhaps impress a close friend at your resolve and dedication.

Aquarius: Your ready now to put  into action your plans that started back in August. Especially now that you have the family issues resolved in your head. That being said there is still a need to clean up your public image. Social media posts and pictures come to mind. Never hurts to clean up your Facebook friends list either.

Pisces:  Saturn moving across the top of your solar chart gives you the opportunity for more change. Especially if this change involves money. Things that have held you back financially should loosen up this week.  With the full moon highlighting those around you ready to help you achieve something special by the end of this month or early next month.

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